Tree Surgeons

Shrubs and Small Plant Irrigation

Fixed-spray sprinklers are the most suitable units to be employed in the watering of new or established shrub/planting areas.

High-rise (300mm) pop-up sprinklers installed within the adjacent lawn edge or bed boundary, allows the spray to traject above nearby plantings. Also, low-level shrub-head units, installed on surface-laid black polyethylene distribution pipe to the rear of the beds, ensures under-foliage watering.


The sprinkler spray-nozzles have a precise radius/flow (25% reduction) adjustment screw, which also provides total shut-off, this enables localised control to each area. Fine-mesh, removable filters prevent clogging and with positive spring-retraction on pop-ups, combined with a flushing seal that clears debris, reliable pop-down is achieved.

These combined features ensure a low-maintenance factor throughout the watering season.